Friday, March 11, 2016


So I WAKE IN THE MORNING AND I DAB. SIKKKKEEEEEEE I wake up in the morning and I do my routine. Go downstairs eat boring oatmeal and go to school. The gym was full of drama with the same kids and I was finishing homework. I get to 1st block and I sat down and wait for instructions. I worked in my workbook and waited to the bell rings. It felt like the bell rung later than it usually does. I get into 2nd block and it was annnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg. The teacher was all like no you can't move your seat. But has the nerve to let my friend to ALLLLLLL the way across the class. I TOLD YOU THE HATRED IS REAL! Then I all I did was kinda stare into space. I wanted to go to sleep ( even though that is what most people do in her room ). In 3rd block we had a sub and he was THE BEST SUB IN THE WORLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!  I wish we could have him every time we needed a sub. His name was Mr.Brown and he was so funny and nice. He said the only thing he didn't like was Ms.York walking in and out the class. 4th block was the same doing work and the web quest which is actually really fun. 5th block all we did was play around and shoot basketballs. 6th you already know BORRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG!!!!! She want me to get some dumb thing signed but I keep forgetting so oh well. After school care BLAH. But me,Kennedy,Kristy,Malaysia,and Denya are getting pizza on Friday. So I am really looking forward to that pizza. Now my mom picks me up and we go home and BLAH BLAH BLAH SLEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!

Thats all folks!  BYE!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Today I woke up and washed my face. I brushed my teeth and put on my clothes and BLAH BLAH BLAH YALL ALL READY KNOW WHAT I DO!! I went downstairs ate and went to school to the gym. The gym was loud ( that isn't anything new ). Homeroom was fine. 1st block was normal. SIKEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Today a boy threw up and I almost started to scream. But I kept calm and went out the room like the teacher said. Then we spent all of 1st period in the library. Then 2nd period was boring and Jordyn got to move ALLLLLL the way across the room that fine. But when I move one seat over it's a problem?????!!!! SO MUCH HATRED TOWARDS ME!!!!!!!! Them 3rd was the same. 4th was the same too. 5th block was okay we played basketball and practice stupid dribbling instead of going outside with the fun kids. 6th block you already know BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Now we when back to homeroom and went in Dr.Jones room. After that we went to after school care. And that was normal. Went home BLAH BLAH BLAH and BLAH BLAH BLAH I went to sleep and waiting for another LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG day of middle school.

Thats all folks! BYE!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Okay this morning I woke up  because it is Sunday and that means church. Don't get me wrong I like to praise the Lord but sometimes I'm not really in the mood. So we went to my uncle's girlfriend's church. It was sooooo fun because these 2 little sisters were shouting together. Then they were recording them shouting. Church was short so after that we drove back to my grandma house and ate Sunday dinner. The dinner was goooooooooooooood and I gave some food to my 2 puppies outside named Jordan and Coco. My mom was like TIME TO GOOOOO. I was sooooooo upset because I love Sumter and being with my family. We got on the road and it took us 45 minutes to get back. When we got there the first thing I had to do was SWITCH THE DUMB DISHES!!!!!!!! Then I watched TV and was on my computer. Then I washed and ironed my clothes. I laid down and got ready for another crazy week of school

Thats all folks! Bye!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2016


So today I woke up at 9:00. It's Saturday so that's why. I woke up and me and my mom went to the post office. Then I went to get a milkshake with my mom. Then we went to a hair store and got things for my hair. Then we went to my mom's friend Juan. We stayed there for like an hour watching a movie called diversion ( I think ) and it was pretty good! Then we left and came to my grandma house and got my hair washed. It felt really good getting it done. When I got my hair washed my mom put some curly stuff in my hair so I can put it up like an Afro. So then I laid around on my computer until I asked my grandpa can he buy the family pizza. It cost $30 but i'm very spoiled so he got it for me. So I ate 4 slices of pizza and 3 cinnamon sticks. After that I watched goosebumps for like 3 hours because I love it so much. Then my mom was like GET OFF THE LAPTOP ANS WASH!!!! So I took a shower and came and got more pizza. I was hungry so it was cold because I was soooooo hungry!  I laid down and ate it cold and went to sleep.

Thats all folks! BYE!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2016


I start my day off with waking up and washing my face. Then I brush my teeth. After that I lotion up my body and put on my clothes. I do my hair and unplug my Chromebook and go downstairs to eat. There is no more cereal so I eat oatmeal apple cinnamon. It took me FOREVER to eat that so I got to the gym later than what time I usually get there. I got at the gym and a lot of stuff happened such as jealously people wanting to fight. So it was the usual stuff that happens at the gym ðŸ˜Š. So 1st block was great. I went in there no problem with the teacher and did my work. Was it boring.......... yes but at least i'm getting work done. Now in 2nd block we took a test and that was boring then this boy named Anthony wants to go to the nurse and Dr.Jones said no. So he takes the pass and is about to walk out. Ta'Nasia was like Anthony sit down.
Don't go! You gonna get Expelled. He didn't care and kept walking and he came back like 2 minutes later. He kept standing outside and just stood there. The bell rung and 3rd block started. It was a normal 3rd block. SIKE!!!!!!! We got to listen to music! 😜 Then 4th block was good because we went in Ms.York room for student of the month. 5th block all we did was play basket ball. 6th block we did projects. Boys and Girls club we just went in the gym and then played games in the computer lab. Then I went to practice at church. After that we went to my grandma house for the weekend. So basically my day was normal.

Thats all folks! BYE!!!

Friday, March 4, 2016


So this morning I wake up at 5:20 ish. My alarm rings at 5:45. So I wake up randomly and get dress,wash my face, and everything else I normally do. I come back from the bathroom looking fly and I get on my Chromebook. I look at the time and it's 5:46. I was like it took me 1 minute to do ALLLLLLLLL that!!!!! Then I ask my mom why she woke me up so early and she said I didn't. You woke your self up. So until 6:30 I was on my Chromebook playing games.  Then it was time to go and I got McDonald and I got 3 pancakes. I went to school and I ate my pancakes with my best friend Janiyah. Then it was time to leave the gym ( where we wait in the morning until it's time to go to class ) and go to homeroom. Homeroom was fine because all we did was watch the news show for our school. The news show was the same boring crap every morning. 1st block was kinda okay. I got in trouble for trying to turn in something that was due like 10 mins ago. Then 2nd block was good. In second block I came in late from the library with Jordyn. So when I got in second block Ms.Nine ( the guides consular ) was sitting at Dr.Jones computer. Then she got up and started talking about sexual harassment and bullying. After he was done she just walked out. LIKE A THUG!!!!! Then we started listening to a book and answering questions. We had to draw a picture and it looked like a disable house. Then it was 3rd block which is math and when we first got in there it was good but then my friend Ta'Naisa was on Foot Locker while she was in class. Then someone snitch and told on her.  Then it was time for lunch. I was being nice and said hey Ms.York and she said go to lunch detention. I don't wanna tell what it was for. Then 4th block rolls around. This boy comes and takes Jordyn's pen of her desk. I was like Jordyn he has your pen. Then he was like what pen? ( ACTING dumb ) So Jordyn was like give me my pen you little thief!! He gave it back and said your welcome. Jordyn said no you don't need a thank you!!! Then his homeroom teacher came in and Jordyn told the WHOLE story!!! So then the teacher was like so your stealing?????????????? Then he was like I WAS JUST PLAYINGGGGGGG!!!!!! Now the whole time all I was doing was taking test online and doing unfinished work. Then Isaac ( a cool dude I know ) told Tyler to put his shoe back on because his shoe stinks. Jordyn, Isaac, and I started laughing. Tyler got in his feelings and got mad. Then the teacher Ms.Simmons ( the social studies teacher ) started passing out the homework for tonight. It was only 2 minutes left in class then the bell rung. It rung and I went to my lock and was off to 5th block. 5th block was fun because I finally new my combination and I was ready to play. Today I played mat ball ( a game the coaches made up ) I scored a point for are team. Then after we played it was time to dress out. We got in the locker room and we were dressing out. Then Coach Winguard came in and just stood there telling us to hurry up. Then it was 6th block BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate 6th block sometimes. In 6th block it was boring all we did was do projects. Then it was time for homeroom and when we got there all we did was sit and wait until they called buses and car riders and Boys and Girls Club. In Boys and Girls Club we were playing around. We didn't have pizza or anything good. My friends Kristy and De'nya were arguing. Kristy told De'nya to shut up because she was lying and De'nya started crying and saying no you are lying. It was over 5 dumb dollars De'nya found. Then they started laughing and talking and I said I knew you guys were gonna be best friends again. Then It was time for me to go and my mom had to go to the hospital. Before we were go we went to Chick fa la but it was packed. So instead we went to Wendy's. After that we went to the hospital and I saw 2 people I know from school. I waved to them and they waved backed. It took like an hour and a half and they still didn't call us. So we left and went home and my mom was fine for the night. When I got home I hopped in the shower and got me a BIG glass of pink lemonade. Then I went upstairs and plugged up my Chromebook and went to bed.

That All Folks! BYE!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Okay why is this little boy named Tyler coming at me with this yo mamma gay crap. So, I was sitting in class and doing my work but I couldn't see so I moved up to see the vocabulary. So he is sitting at another table and started saying that my best friend Jordyn hair was fake. She was like NO IT'S NOT. And she was like how is it fake if you can see my scalp. Then he has the nerve to call my mom gay. Now I can say I was wrong for this next part but at the moment I really didn't care. I got all in his face and said what did u just say. But I calmed down and I went to 2nd block. In 2nd block he was soooooooo aggravating. I wanted to throw a shoe at his head. But I stayed calmed and be quiet. Then he walks past me and Jordyn and he said I'll fire y'all up. I slammed my Chromebook down and looked at him. Then he said something else and I shouted WHAT????? Then the teacher called me over then I told her how it all started. Then she told me to write a statement of what happened. Then our homeroom teacher came in and we told her what happened. Tyler kept interrupting and saying she is lying. Then my teacher was like shut up ( in a playful way ) Tyler and he started saying you never listen to me. Then it was his turn to talk and he barely said ANYTHING. Dr.Jones was like I will tell Mr.Boone ( The 6th grade principle) that it wasn't all you Tyler, like it was all us!! She makes it seem like she is taking his side. Then Dr.Jones says to me and Jordyn that we be looking for drama. Then our homeroom teacher said meet me at lunch so we can squash it. Then it was 3rd block and that was math. I sit RIGHT beside him in math class and I was not about to talk or help him. So I decided to move up 2 seats because it was the smart thing to do. Next it was lunch and we didn't see Mr.Boone so we just ate lunch. Then it was 4th block which is social studies and everything was fine. Then 5th I was gym and I  didn't dress out because I can't open my lock because I forgot the combination. Next, in gym it was almost a fight between 2 boys twice. Then it was 6th which is computer block and all we did was finish our projects and talk. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!!! Then it was time to go and I go to after school care where we play and do homework. It was time for me to go at 6:18 and my mom got me pizza ( which I ate 5 of.) Next, I took a shower. My head was hurting so I just laid down and now I'm going to sleep.

That's all folks! BYE!!!  #ugh            

Emojis mean how I feel that day.